This is part of a study showing negroids actually dominate in the field of serial killing. This myth of whites being the majority of serial killers and pedophiles must be dispelled!!
A lack of understanding of base rates can lead to misinterpreting research findings and forensic results.4 Consider the oft-quoted fact, “Serial killers are usually white males.” While technically correct, at least for the United States, this statement is incomplete. To understand it properly, the relevant base rates also must be considered. Three different studies of serial murderers found black offender proportions of 16, 20, and 20 percent, and female offender proportions of 9, 10, and 16 percent. According to the 2000 census, the U.S. population is 75 percent white and 49 percent male. So, while disproportionately male, the only reason most serial killers in the United States are white is because most of the population is white. More important, all else being equal, serial killers are less likely to be white in predominantly black or Hispanic areas.
Now, let’s take a look some studies. Pay particular attention to the dates of the data included in each study’s database and its affect on the percentage of African-American serial killers:-
Serial Murderers and Their Victims
Eric Hickey
Wadsworth Publishing 1996
With a database of serial killers from the 1790s to the 1980s compiled in 1991, Hickey found 13% of known cases were African-American.
In another study Hickey removed the decade of the 1790s and with data from the entire 1980s through 1995 included, please note the sharp upsurge in black serial killers:-
With a database of 399 serial killers from 1800 to 1995, Hickey found:
(1) 20% of the killers were black.
(2) 17% were women.
And here’s more:-
Century of Slaughter 1992
Michael Newton
With a database of 800 serial killers from the 20th century, Newton found 16% of cases were African-American
And more:-
Extreme Killing: Understanding Serial and Mass Murder
James Alan Fox and Jack Levin
Crime and Justice, Vol. 23, 1998 (1998), pp. 407-455
Sage Publications 2005
With a database of 558 offenders operating in the United States since 1900, Fox and Levin found:
(1) 86% of the killers are male.
(2) 82% are white.
(3) 15% are black.
(4) 4% are Hispanic.
Nowhere’s the study that more or less proves my point. Introducing Anthony Walsh, whose research covers a 58-year period from 1945 to 2004:-
African Americans and Serial Killing in the Media: The Myth and the Reality
Anthony Walsh
Boise State University
Homicide Studies, Vol. 9, No. 4, 271-291 (2005)
DOI: 10.1177/1088767905280080
© 2005 SAGE Publications
There were many expressions of shock and surprise voiced in the media in 2002 when the “D.C. Sniper” turned out to be two Black males. Two of the stereotypes surrounding serial killers are that they are almost always White males and that African American males are barely represented in their ranks. In a sample of 413 serial killers operating in the United States from 1945 to mid-2004, it was found that 90 were African American. Relative to the African American proportion of the population across that time period, African Americans were overrepresented in the ranks of serial killers by a factor of about 2. Possible reasons why so few African American serial killers are known to the public are explored.
In another abstract referring to Walsh’s work the same database from the past 58-years suggests that the breakdown of African-American serial killers is 21-22% and provides safe, conservative-lite reasons for the continuation of the White male stereotype as well as detrimental societal effects:-
The major source of information on serial killers was the encyclopedias of serial killers written by Newton (1990, 1992, and 2000) and by Wilson and Seaman (1983, 1990), as well as the works of other authors. Newspaper and Internet sources were used for cases that occurred after 1999. The study identified 90 African-American serial killers and 323 White-American serial killers within the time frame of the study. African-Americans were represented among serial killers at a rate approximately twice their average percentage in the population (approximately 10.5 percent) across the 58-year time frame. Why, then, does the media limit its coverage of African-American serial killers?
In answering this question, this study suggests that the media’s fear of racism accusations constrains its coverage of heinous crimes committed by Africa-Americans, compared with the zealousness of its coverage of such crimes committed by Whites. Also, African-American serial killers may have been more hidden from the mainstream culture when their victims were other African-Americans, particularly in the early 20th century. Criminological studies of serial killers also neglect to point out Black overrepresentation in crimes generally considered a White domain. The myth that serial killers are rarely African-Americans has had two detrimental effects. First, Whites tend to argue that Blacks are not sufficiently psychologically complex or intelligent to commit a series of murders without being caught. Second, police tend to neglect the protection of potential victims of serial killers in African-American communities.
Last we have Philip Jenkins of Pennsylvania State University, who quickly puts to rest the myth that serial killers are white males and provides a list Black killers you may not have known anything about:-
African-Americans and Serial Homicide
Philip Jenkins
Pennsylvania State University
“[…] in the mid twentieth century, black offenders were among those claiming the largest number of victims. During the 1930’s and 1940’s, there was a group of such cases including Jarvis Catoe, Jake Bird, and Clarence Hill, all of which can be described as fitting the classic stereotypes of serial murder {Jenkins 1989, 1994}.”
Cases of Extreme Serial Homicide (8 or more victims) by African-Americans:-
Nathaniel R. Code Louisiana 1984-1987
Alton Coleman and Debra Brown Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois 1984
Carlton Gary Georgia 1970-1978
Kevin Haley and Reginald Haley Southern California 1979-1984
Calvin Jackson New York 1973-1974
Milton Johnson Illinois 1983
Devernon LeGrand New York 1968-1975
Michael Player (Marcus Nisby) Southern California 1986
Below is a non-comprehensive list of black serial murderers.
(# of victims in parentheses.)
Daniel Andrew Bowler (3), Richmond, VA
George Russell (3 women), WA state
Timothy W. Spencer (5), Arlington, VA and Richmond, VA
Elton M. Jackson (12), Norfolk, VA area
Carlton Gray (3), Columbus, GA
Mohammed Adam Omar (16 women), Yemen. Omar is Sudanese.
Kendall Francois (8 women), Poughkeepsie, NY and surrounding areas.
Terry A. Blair (8), Kansas City area
Zebra Killers (78), San Francisco
Wayne Williams (33), Atlanta, GA
Some Negro (15), Indianapolis, IN
Vaughn Greenwood (11), LA
Andre Crawford (10), Chicago – southside
Calvin Jackson (9+), NY
Gregory Klepper (8), Chicago – southside
Alton Coleman (8), Midwest
Harrison Graham (7+), N. Philadelphia
Cleophus Prince (6), San Diego
Robert Rozier (6), Miami
Craig Price (3), Warwick, RI
Devine Jones (3+), St. Louis
Maurice Byrd (20+), St. Louis
Maury Travis (17 and rising), St. Louis and possibly also Atlanta
Coral Eugene Watts (13 confessed to, possibly 80), Texas, Michigan, Canada
Hulon Mitchell, a.k.a. Yahweh Ben Yahweh (20+), Florida
Lorenzo Fayne (5 children), East St. Louis, IL
Henry Louis Wallace (9), Charlotte, NC
Reginald and Jonathan Carr (5), Wichita, KS
John Allen Muhammad (a.k.a. John Allen Williams) and John Lee Malvo, (Suspected in 13 to 19 and rising fast), Maryland; Virginia; Montgomery, AL; Baton Rouge, LA; Tacoma, WA; Georgia; Tucson, AZ
Torey Miller (2 homicides, one of which was a freeway drive-by, and the attempted ambush-murder of one St. Louis City police officer), St. Louis, MO.Derrick Todd Lee, (5 women), southern Louisiana
Paul Durousseau, (6, two of which were pregnant women), Jacksonville, FL; Georgia.
Troy Sampson (3), Las Vegas
Edward James (3), Las Vegas (This and the previous Las Vegas worthie were both “thrill” serial killers, who brutally murdered innocent and unsuspecting white people they never even met — EPH)
Eddie Lee Mosley (25 to 30 women), south Florida
Henry Lee Jones (4+), south Florida; Bartlett, TN
Richard “Babyface” Jameswhite (15), New York; Georgia.
Donald E. Younge, Jr., (4), East St. Louis, IL; Salt Lake City, UT.
Lorenzo J. Gilyard (12 women), Kansas City, MO. (May be Missouri’s worst serial killer ever, according to the Kansas City Star.)
Michael Vernon (7), Bronx, NY. Killed at least seven people – 5 in a shoe store for not having his sneaker size and 1 pizza delivery person and 1 gypsy cab driver.
Lamon J. McKoy (2, maybe more). Geneva, NY.
Jake ( ?) Bird, Tacoma, WA. He offed two in Tacoma in the 1940s and admitted to murdering many others nationwide.
Chester Dewayne Turner (12 women), Los Angeles
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