Sunday, November 28, 2010

Blacks and Whites Differ in Brain Size and Intelligence

Scientists have known for a long, long time that Blacks have smaller brains on average. If you can find a 1959 Encyclopedia Britannica, the section on races will mention that Whites have a larger average brain size than Blacks. The liberals and Jews apparently got this important racial information scrubbed out of most books published after 1959. About every ten years since 1960, some brave White academic will publish a book talking about these significant differences. Just off hand I remember the authors, Carleton Coon, Murray and Herrnstein and Arthur Jensen. The “Bell Curve” is perhaps the most famous of these racial reality books.

The latest data from J. Philippe Rushton states that Blacks have brains that are 80cc smaller on average. This data may be based on African-American Blacks, who tend to have about 25% White genes mixed in with IQs around 85. Their primitive all-Black cousins in west Africa have IQs down around 70 (with even smaller brains).

One source notes “The black-white gap is 15 points when measured on the Wechsler tests, 18 on the Stanford-Binet. Both tests are, of course, normed so as to produce an average of 100, but the white average is a bit higher. On the Wechsler metric, whites and blacks average 102 and 87, respectively. On both tests, the gap between the races is almost exactly 1 SD (standard deviation). The gap of 1 SD has been observed since the earliest days of intelligence testing.”

Liberals often respond with a flurry of hysterical gibberish and everything unscientific when confronted with solid scientific information about racial differences. Some liberals will even claim that there is no relationship between intelligence and brain size even though the history of evolution has been a steady march toward larger brain sizes and taller foreheads. The earliest hominids had brain sizes about the same as modern day apes.

According to J. Philippe Rushton, the White average brain size is about 1347cc’s and the Black average brain size is 1267cc’s. In contrast, the largest brain size recorded for an individual ape is 700cc’s. Anther important difference is the shape of the brain. The Neanderthal for example had a slightly larger brain size than modern humans, but almost no forehead. The frontal region of the brain is where creativity resides.

Liberals respond to racial facts with emotional rhetoric. According to them, all the races are equal in mental ability regardless of differing test scores, genes or brain sizes. Never mind the fact that White men were walking on the moon forty years ago, while most natives in Africa were still squatting in mud huts. One famous Jewish propagandist Ashley Montagu could be called the king of egalitarian propaganda. If it weren’t for Jewish and liberal connections, he would have likely been a village idiot gibbering away crazy things on a street corner. He has consistently denied that the races are different in intelligence despite test scores that date back over generations that show a significant 15 percent IQ gap between Blacks and Whites.

East Asians reportedly have a brain size average 17cc’s bigger than the White average, but their societies tend to be less prosperous, mired in bureaucracy and corruption lacking the creativity found in White nations. Perhaps this lack of prosperity is tied to a lack of creativity which may be linked to the shape of the head. Asians typically have rounder heads. Asians seem to do best perfecting Western engineering. The small extra brain capacity of east Asians may give them better memories, but not creativity due to a different head shape.

It’s a bit unfair comparing east Asians (typically just the Japanese and Koreans) to the average of the whole White race. I suspect the Swedes -for example- might have a brain size average bigger than certain east Asian groups. You never hear anyone comparing Scandinavians to Asians, but you often hear of east Asians compared to Whites. Some of the data on Asians may be skewed in their favor –especially if Asian Americans are being used to represent their homelands. It could make a big difference if the east Asians are immigrants to the US, who might be a little smarter than the east Asians who didn’t have the initiative to leave their over-crowded homelands.

China has 1.3 billion people and it’s only started to do well as American companies outsourced manufacturing to them. I suspect if all the ordinary Chinese peasants were included as east Asians, the “east Asian” average brain size would be less than the White average.

The reluctance of most Americans to admit that the races are not equal results from decades of propaganda from politicians and the liberal media. Curiously, most people will admit that certain breeds of dogs have different personalities. The border collie is a workaholic. The Irish setter is a gentle dog. The German shepherd is a good watch dog, and the Chihuahua is a nervous shaky dog. Now if a simple animal like a dog can have a personality for each breed, then why is it that people won’t admit certain personalities are associated with certain races? Studies of identical twins, who were separated at birth, also suggest that a wide range of personality traits are rooted in our genes.

ATC Says - Racial equality is just another lie perpetrated by the the multicultural liberals and the ruling elite upon us by insisting that there is no such thing as race or differences between them........There are many differences as you the reader have been shown on this blog.......these articles are not just crackpot assertions by racist loons, but the results of scientific research which is not widely disseminated to the masses in order to perpetuate the propaganda of equality.......ALL men are in FACT, NOT CREATED EQUAL!


Friday, November 26, 2010

Alzheimer's exacts a heavy toll among Latinos

Research shows that Latinos tend to get the condition almost seven years earlier than white Americans. The Alzheimer's Assn. calls the situation 'a looming but unrecognized public health crisis.',0,7488446.story

Angelica Reyes-Servin with her father, Arturo Reyes, 69, who has Alzheimer's. The family lives in Chicago. (Antonio Perez, Chicago Tribune / November 11, 2010)

Suddenly, he broke into the conversation. "We cannot do it; we are illegal," his daughter Angelica Reyes-Servin remembers him saying. "If we leave, we may never get back again."

The room fell silent. Reyes and his family, who crossed the border from Mexico to Arizona more than three decades ago, have been U.S. citizens for more than 20 years.

"It was then I realized my father is sick," Reyes-Servin said. "He's not himself anymore."

Reyes, 69, has Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's exacts a heavy toll among Latino Americans, who tend to get the condition almost seven years earlier than white Americans, according to research from the University of Pennsylvania and UC San Francisco.

Limited access to medical care and health insurance, lower levels of education and income, and higher rates of high blood pressure and diabetes contribute to above-average risks for Alzheimer's among Latino seniors, experts say.

The Alzheimer's Assn. calls the situation "a looming but unrecognized public health crisis" and predicts that Alzheimer's and related dementias could afflict 1.3 million older Latinos by 2050, up from about 200,000 currently.

In Chicago, a push to respond is being led by Constantina Mizis, a Mexican immigrant who founded the Latino Alzheimer's & Memory Disorders Alliance, one of the few organizations of its kind in the country.

With a Mexican mother and a Greek father, Mizis says she has always lived between two cultures, aware of differences in traditions and beliefs. It's a lesson she's bringing to medical professionals who reach out to Latinos with memory problems.

Such efforts have to be undertaken with sensitivity, says Mizis, explaining that some Mexicans from rural areas believe Alzheimer's is punishment for sins of youth. Others think of cognitive difficulties as "just part of age" — something that families have to accept without asking for assistance.

But cognitive lapses can occur because of treatable medical issues, including depression, thyroid problems and the side effects of medication, according to Freddy Ortiz, coordinator of the memory disorders clinic at Olive View- UCLA Medical Center.

Although no medication can reverse Alzheimer's, some drugs can offer short-term relief of symptoms, and some services, such as adult day care, can ease caregivers' stress.

In many Latino families, however, adult day care is considered a type of warehouse. "They believe that if you leave someone there you have abandoned this person," Mizis said.

For Luisa Echevarria's Cuban mother, Nora, dementia was associated with mental illness and a source of shame.

"We had to be very careful not to use the words 'Alzheimer's' or 'dementia' around her," said Luisa Echevarria, community relations director for Univision and its TeleFutura TV network in Chicago. "If we did, she would scream and say, 'There's nothing wrong with me; it's you who are crazy.' "

Echevarria remembers a lunch with her parents when her mother suddenly started speaking in gibberish, her eyes dark with panic. Soon after, Nora began picking fights with her husband.

Echevarria realized her mother needed medical help but felt torn. "You don't want to doubt your mother — the person you trust more than anybody, the person you go to for everything," she said. "It was a very hard time because I felt I was betraying her."

At a hospital for evaluation, Nora flirted with the doctor while joking about tasks she could not complete, such as naming her age or drawing a box. "She was a queen at disguising her disabilities," Echevarria said.

Nora now lives in a small, Latino-oriented assisted-living facility in Miami, near her husband and a large circle of family members.

"She is still my mother," Echevarria said. "Alzheimer's places you in a different reality, but it doesn't change who you are."

Education can be a complicating factor. People who have not had much education, including many Latino immigrants, tend to score lower on memory tests, and adjustments are needed to account for that, said Maria Marquine, a neuropsychologist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.

Language, too, can be a concern even when tests are translated into Spanish. Consider that car is carro in some Latino groups but auto and automovil in others, Marquine said. If the translation used in a memory test is unfamiliar, a senior's score could be affected.

For Arturo Reyes' family, his 2002 Alzheimer's diagnosis was an introduction to a strange new world.

"We had never been around anybody who had Alzheimer's," said his daughter Laura, who lives with her parents. "We didn't know anything about it."

She remembers finding her father in the kitchen opening all the drawers in search of silverware. Then came a call from his factory supervisor. Reyes had been standing in the middle of the factory floor, unsure what to do next.

Now, Laura worries about their mother, who insists on doing everything for her husband. She is not sure whether her father knows what has happened to him.

Not long ago, her mother asked him if he realized he forgot things.

The old man shook his head. "I don't know, I don't know," he repeated. "I don't know."

ATC Says - More serious research needs to be done and the results made public on the Genetic Differences between the races and the drawbacks and risks associated with mixing. Science has shown that these differences do indeed exist and until we can have an intelligent discussion about this matter without the label of racist being hurled upon us which the multiculturalists love to label us with, our children will continue to suffer the maladies of our own feel-good political correctness!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Latinos Are Genetically Predisposed to Fatty Liver Disease!

We know sugar is bad for you. But now a new study shows that it is even worse for many Latinos. A new study out of USC find that Latinos are genetically predisposed to have increased liver fat? when they eat sugar, Dr. Bruce Hensel reported. Rosa Angel got a good look at her liver recently? and it wasn?t a pretty picture.?My fat, is very fat on my liver. It?s 26 % fat, which is very high, she said.?Rosa has a genetic variation that makes it harder for her liver to break down fat? especially when she eats a lot of sugar.


Research shows that 49% of Latinos have this gene variation. It?s all part of a study from the USC Keck School of Medicine. Jaimie Davis, Ph.D., is one of the researchers. ?It could lead to a direct accumulation of fat in the liver. They may not be able to break it down as efficiently. Diets high in sugar could be leading directly to this fatty liver disease,? Davis said. This accumulation can lead to fatty liver disease or even cirrosis of the liver.And it is especially worrying in children.

When researchers tested more than 300 Latino youth 8 to 18 in the East and Central Los Angeles area ? they found that a third of the youth had fatty livers.?We?re seeing high amounts of fat in these children, much like if they were alcoholics. And when doctors first saw this fat in the liver. They questioned parents if these kids were drinking alcohol. Which they weren?t, Davis said.The main culprit is sugary beverages.

More than 40% of the sugar in the latino children?s diets come from sugary drinks. And not only that, the sugar that is in beverages such as soda and some juices are from high fructose corn syrup, which goes straight to the liver for breakdown. ?So not only does the highest amount of sugar comes from sugar sweetened beverages, but the type of sugar may also be detrimental. You don?t want to nag your child but you want to make sure, having a little pushing them to eat healthier will reduce risk of obesity.

It's a battle worth having early.After she saw her liver, Rosa changed her habits immediately. She started reducing the fat in her meals, and drinking water or tea much more often.To me, it was like a wakeup call I saw my liver and said omg I'm 44, I don't want to die in 5 or 10 years, I already know, why not do something about it, she said. So you can be proactive. You can?t change your genetic disposition but you can change your family's diet. Some healthy things that everyone can do ? switching to milk or water flavored with lemon or lime. Watering down the juices. Also look out for those sugary cereals, which is the second highest source of sugar after the soft drinks, Dr. Hensel said.


Black, Asian, and Native American children are more likely to die from neuroblastoma, study finds

Black, Asian, and Native American children are more likely than white and Hispanic children to die after being treated for neuroblastoma, according to new research on the pediatric cancer. The study, of more than 3,500 patients with the disease, is the largest ever to look at racial disparities in risk and survival for the most common solid cancer found in young children.

The study also found that black and Native American are more likely to have the high-risk form of the disease and show signs of resistance to modern treatment. Those biological characteristics suggest that contribute to the outcome disparities found for neuroblastoma.

"Disparities in outcome according to race do exist in neuroblastoma," said Susan Cohn, MD, professor of pediatrics at Comer Children's Hospital at the University of Chicago Medical Center and senior author of the study. "There are racial cohorts of patients who do more poorly than the white population."

The analysis, published online November 22 by the , uses data collected by the Children's Oncology Group (COG), a partnership of more than 200 clinical sites in North America. Because neuroblastoma is a rare cancer, with only 650 new cases each year in the United States, the large coalition was essential to follow enough patients to answer questions about race and ethnicity, Cohn said.

"This kind of study has largely been impeded by the very small numbers of patients that we see, and the small numbers of minorities within that subset," Cohn said. "Through the COG infrastructure, we are able to collect data on the vast majority of patients who are diagnosed with neuroblastoma in North America. It's a much richer data set."

A subject pool of 3,500 children diagnosed between 2001 and 2009 enabled a research group led by Cohn and Tara Henderson, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, to compare children of different races on neuroblastoma risk and survival. While 75 percent of white and Hispanic patients survived five years after diagnosis, only 67 percent of black patients, 63 percent of Asian patients, and 39 percent of Native American patients survived to that point.

Patients diagnosed with neuroblastoma are classified as having low-risk, intermediate-risk, or high-risk disease based on a number of clinical and biological factors. Black children in the study had a higher prevalence of high-risk disease (57 percent) compared to white children (44 percent). Black patients also more frequently displayed individual predictors of high-risk disease, such as older age at diagnosis, stage 4 disease, and unfavorable histology.

An MRI of a 2-year-old girl with known neuroblastoma

"By definition, if you are older and have advanced stage disease, you are at high risk for relapse and more difficult to cure," Cohn said. "The major reason why the black patients do worse is because there are more of them in this high-risk group."

Another disparity emerged when researchers looked at the timing of post-treatment events such as cancer relapse or progression. After two event-free years following diagnosis, black patients with high-risk disease were significantly more likely to suffer a "late-occurring" event than white patients. This observation suggests black patients are more likely to have residual cancer after therapy, Cohn said.

Follow-up studies are underway to look for genetic factors that may predispose black children to high-risk forms of neuroblastoma and chemotherapy resistance. To do so, Cohn's group will partner with the University of Chicago pharmacogenetics team of M. Eileen Dolan, PhD, professor of medicine and Nancy Cox, PhD, professor of medicine.

The team will look for gene variations associated with chemotherapy resistance and the development of clinically aggressive high-risk disease in black and white neuroblastoma patients. The team will work with genome-wide association data (GWAS) provided by John Maris, MD, professor of medicine at the Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania, which identified predictors of high-risk neuroblastoma in a subject pool of white children.

"Our long term goal is to utilize this kind of information to develop individualized therapy," Cohn said. "For example, if you know that a particular patient has a genotype that is associated with resistance to a specific chemotherapeutic agent, you might either modify the dose or treat the patient with a different agent."

The study also offers a potentially unique example of a disparity due primarily to biological, rather than socioeconomic factors. In many adult cancer types, the survival gap between white and minority patients is often attributed to factors such as diminished access to health care, delayed diagnosis, and poorer quality treatment.

But in neuroblastoma, this is less likely to be an issue. Low-risk cancers rarely progress to a higher risk with time, Cohn said, making a delayed diagnosis less likely to affect outcome. Furthermore, treatment for high-risk neuroblastoma – including intravenous chemotherapy, stem cell transplant, and radiation – is largely administered in a hospital setting, removing the effect of compliance, such as missing oral doses of medications at home.

"In many cancers, disparities in outcome appear to be largely due to differences in socio-economic status and environment. For example, the lack of ability to be seen by a doctor in a timely manner and get appropriate care significantly impacts survival," Cohn said. "While multiple factors are also likely to contribute to the disparities we observed in children with , genetic factors are likely to contribute to the increased prevalence of high-risk tumors in the black cohort, which is quite unique."

Provided by University of Chicago Medical Center


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Evils of Miscegenation – By Thomas Fairweather

A lot of people probably do not understand the word miscegenation. Basically it means race-mixing or racial-mixed marriages. “Miscegenation” comes from the Latin miscere, “to mix” and genus, “race”.[1] It is something which most people in today’s society do not even raise an eyebrow about. But only a few decades ago in the United States of America miscegenation was illegal. In fact, even an American President by the name of Warren G. Harding was totally against the idea of miscegenation and had mentioned it in a speech that he did. As this is an opinion piece I will give my own views on the issues. Personally I find miscegenation to be abhorrent, something that deluded liberal-minded people do who only see them selves plainly as being “human-beings” rather than humans of a particular race/ethnic group. They do understand their heritage and background that has remained pure for countless generations only to be diluted and spoilt by an act of so-called love or lust. Now this does not just count for ONLY Whites being pure but for people of all backgrounds, whether they are Asian, African, or Arab etc. As noted by Dr. Lundborg ‘a general mixture would certainly result for the whole of mankind in a fateful downfall of the highest culture races and all their achievements.’ [2] Meaning all our unique and amazing cultures that each country has would be ruined eventually over time because of miscegenation. In Australia I feel that this is a major issue which is being ignored by people who seem to accept miscegenation as a “normal” occurrence. The true European heritage of most White Australians is being deteriorated through the frequency of miscegenation in recent times.

Of course, you will always hear the bleating of the usual liberal rhetoric that there is no such thing as miscegenation and that we are all human. Yet they also continue to say that they promote diversity. But the question is…how can we be so sure of their agenda? If they promote diversity yet also promote miscegenation do they not realise that this will eventually cause the world to all become the same mixed “coffee-coloured” people. How is that supposed to be promoting diversity?! Quite a contradictory view don’t you think?

As noted in the National Vanguard ‘of course, miscegenation is not a natural occurrence. Evolution would have been impossible if every evolutionary experiment had been short-circuited by cross-breeding. Nature’s urge toward higher and more complex life forms has demanded that subspecies remain genetically isolated until all possibility of genetic admixture has been removed. Even though such isolation of the various human subspecies from one another has not been of sufficient length to ensure the impossibility of genetic admixture, it has ensured the existence of deep-seated psychological barriers which, under natural conditions, prevent miscegenation.’ [3] This explains how before advancements in technology to travel all around the world people of different races where separated geographically over thousands of years and developed uniquely having their own way of adapting to the environment they lived in, whether it is different shaped eyes, darker shades of skin, etc.

An African American by the name of Emanuel McLittle explains that ‘all living things express a genetic mandate to remain separate. Be it tree, dog, molecule, atom or apples. This fact does not imply a kind of prejudice in the fingers of nature. Instead it speaks to a creative wisdom working to preserve each element, kind, species and race as it was originally created–forming a universe where an unnumbered variety cooperate in the shaping of a beautiful whole. I argue that a similar mandate exists for humans, but unlike the pine tree, a blade of grass, or the great white shark, we can ignore this mandate.’ [4] This of course does not mean that we should ignore our differences but rather celebrate them. People should be proud of their racial/ethnic heritage and not be ashamed of it. They should also not seek to ruin their heritage by committing miscegenation without realising the consequences.

Emanuel McLittle also notes that ‘interracial marriage is often born of a disdain for oneself and an unconscious drive to erase oneself via the next generation. I would venture a guess that many of those who engage in race mixing are running on the legs of buried anger and frustration, from a helpless, painful childhood where their first mates, their parents, failed them. Growing up with a fractured identity of their own, they are often driven by a false notion that they can leave behind one ugly world by merging into another.’ [5] This is quite an interesting view because it discusses how often it is people who do not have happy and fulfilled lives that commit miscegenation. Often, it is Liberalism and covert Marxist ideologies in Western societies that has brought about this downfall. James Buchanan believes that ‘unfortunately decades of Marxist propaganda claiming that the only racial difference is “skin colour” has convinced the cowardly and the foolish to support race-mixing. This brings up the question “How stupid are liberals?” Do they really believe that millions of their fellow Whites oppose race-mixing based solely on something as trivial as skin colour?’ [6] This points out that there are still people out there who do not understand that race is MORE than just about skin colour. It is about cultural, psychological, physiological differences that humans have. Just like we understand that there are different breeds of dogs such as Dobermans, Chihuahuas, Corgis etc which have their own unique characteristics there are also different breeds or races of human beings.

It must be realised that acts of miscegenation will ruin thousands of years of racial/ethnic heritage not just for White people but for every race. Michael J. Polignano argues that a ‘race’s unique genetic identity will be maintained only as long as it remains genetically separate and exclusive, breeding within itself and not breeding with other races. Miscegenation undoes this. Thus it destroys millennia of racial evolution. The genes are not lost, per se, just as no paint molecules are lost when different colors of paint are mixed. But it would take millennia to re-isolate gene types that can be spread out among a miscegenated population in just one generation of crossbreeding’. [7] In many ways it could even be seen as a form of subtle genocide where one race or a number of races are eventually destroyed by “breeding” out the characteristics of a particular race and amalgamating them with a number of others. This is particular harmful to people of European heritage because of their non-dominant genes. For example, if a woman from Norway with blonde hair and blue eyes and white skin miscegenated with an African man from Sudan with dark brown hair and brown eyes and black skin then if they produce a child it will have the dominant genes of dark brown hair and brown eyes and black or possibly brown skin. For any people who want to partake in miscegenation they must realise that their child will bare almost no resemblance to them whatsoever because of the unfortunate fact or their non dominant genes. That is why it is important not only for White people but for people of all races to keep their racial uniqueness by discouraging miscegenation.

Of course there will always be critics out there who question the agenda of those that are against miscegenation. But those people who believe that miscegenation does not exist or believe in racial equality often have a hidden agenda themselves. They too can be quite delusional in relation to this issue or have a vested interest in supporting miscegenation because they participate in it themselves or a creation from it. They will not or do not see the consequences of miscegenation. Michael J. Polignano argues that ‘it is ironic that miscegenation is promoted by the very people who make a cult of diversity, because in the long run miscegenation completely destroys racial diversity. In the short run, of course, miscegenation does increase diversity by filling the world with a colorful array of mongrels. But in the long run, as pure racial types disappear and mongrels mix with mongrels, this diversity will give way to a brown uniformity. Thus the only way to maintain racial diversity over the long term is to avoid miscegenation’. [8] Just like people need to be aware of the consequences of an “un-wanted” pregnancy they also need to understand the consequences of committing miscegenation. The must realise that their children will possibly have a racial identity crisis as they grow older.

A study in Majority rights shows that there are also health consequences in race-mixing as ‘it is irresponsible for any scientific organization to pretend that race mixing has no adverse health effects and it is obviously inappropriate to portray race mixing as desirable or virtuous’. [9] This relates to the fact that there should not be any assumptions drawn that miscegenation will make racially-mixed humans better and healthier than those who are not when in fact it may possibly be the opposite effect. Eric Thomson says “we often hear people justify race-mixing and other forms of degenerative self-indulgence as being “a person’s own business” – as if to say that it is not our business what sort of society we live in, no matter how bad sociopaths wish to make it’. [10] This can be related to morals and values and how mono-racial parents need to lovingly encourage the view onto their children that they should prefer to “stick with their own kind” as there is nothing wrong or racist with doing that. In fact, if you were to ask a Chinese person or an Indian person whom they would like to marry and raise a family with then almost all of the time they would say they prefer somebody the same. People need to get out of their heads this notion of if you stay with your own kind that is it somehow “racist” as this is a fallacy created by liberals.

Eric Thomson also notes that ‘Unlike the killing of members of one race by another race, a historic practice now deemed to be a crime, the mixing of races kills not one, but every race which engages in it. Race-mixing is therefore the worst example of genocide. Scoffers airily dismiss this statement as nonsense because the offspring of race-mixing are capable of breathing, eating, prattling, and reproducing. In other words, race-mixing produces ‘live’ victims instead of dead ones, but this ignores not only the quality of life, it denies man’s place and his role in the universe, his responsibility to his fellow men and to his posterity. Modern-day liberals are very much concerned with the quality of life rather than the quantity of those who are technically alive because their bodily functions are intact. They advocate euthanasia and abortion because these practices ‘make life better’, regardless of their illogical inconsistency when it comes to capital punishment’ [11] Now this could allegedly be described as a “extremist” view but it just goes to show the hypocritical ideology of liberals and how they believe individualism far outweighs collectivism without realising that there should be a fine balance of both. Why should not one but two races lose their heritage and identity because of miscegenation and the liberal argument that if you say you are against miscegenation you will be labelled a racist or bigot? President Tubman of Liberia argued that “we are opposed to integration. It is a bad thing and we condemn it. Why should we destroy our identity? We love our black skins and we are proud of our heritage. Our country is open to all people of African descent’ [12] If the leader of European country was so bold as to say the such a thing as keeping the racial heritage of their country pure there would be absolute outrage by liberals with comparisons to the Third Reich! Can we not see the blatant double-standards that liberals have in regards to not just questioning miscegenation but any issue in relation to race? There must be people who are not afraid to stand up and say that they are proud of their racial heritage and believe that miscegenation does more harm than good in the long run. Unfortunately we live in a society where people live in fear of being labelled something deemed negative and do not have the strength of character to ignore these labels.

Another issue that needs to be taken into account is how confusing and tragic it must be for those people who are themselves racially mixed and often have problems at school. A CNN report found ‘for example, students who described their race as both black and white reported more difficulties than those who considered themselves solely black or solely white.’ [13] It’s hard to imagine what it would be like for a child which does not really know where they belong. Most upsetting would be if they were the victim of being ostracized because of the fact that they may not be considered “black enough” or “white enough” for the other children, which would lead to frustration and disillusionment for that child. ‘The most common explanation for the high-risk status is the struggle with identity formation, leading to lack of self-esteem, social isolation and problems of family dynamics in biracial households,’ said Professor Udry of maternal and child health at the University of North Carolina School of Public Health, as noted in the CNN report. [14] This shows why miscegenation is a selfish act by the parents of a racially-mixed child. They have no sense of belonging to either race. They are confused and do not know if they are of one ethnic/racial group or the other. Ernest Porterfield explains ‘in addition, these children are faced with problems that tend to produce reactions of guilt, insecurity, anxiety, and emotional instability. Biracial children would like to identify with both parents but find themselves torn between the loyalty they owe each parent. Since they cannot identity with both parents, the child feels resentment towards one or both parents.’ [15] All of these hardships that are created for racially-mixed children could have been avoided if the parents did not commit miscegenation in the first place. Often teenagers may have enough problems knowing where they belong or what they want to do with their lives without having the even more obvious and confusing problem of not understanding what racial/ethnic group they are supposed to be part of.

Miscegenation is an issue that people of all races need to be aware of. Especially if they value their racial heritage and identity and wish to see it continue into the future. Part of being human is our diversity and racial difference is part of that we need to hold dear to our heritage and not forsake it by being blind to the fact that we do all look different. Matthew Nuenke explains that ‘opposition to miscegenation is often lamented as racist, and yet there is sound evolutionary evidence that people like to associate and eventually marry others who are more like themselves. Blacks are more comfortable with Blacks, Jews are more comfortable with Jews, and Asians with other Asians.’ [16] Historical evidence would also show this to be true and how miscegenation is not really a common thing. Of course the arguments by those opposed to this view continue to use liberal propaganda emphasizing the fallacy that race is a cultural “construct” when in fact it is a lot deeper than that. Anybody to think that our differences are only “skin-deep” is surely quite shallow in their understanding of human nature. Andrew Ryan and Peter J. White claim that it is ‘patterns of racial and ethnic prejudice, of in-group loyalty and out-group suspicion, have served an effective evolutionary purpose over the long history of primate and human biological evolution, both in enhancing the competitiveness of the individual breeding population and also in preserving the uniqueness of its distinctive genetic heritage by discouraging interbreeding with the members of disparate sub-species. The evolutionary message is clear. Human groups which lose their internal sense of identity and cohesion in respect to other groups eventually cease to exist as discrete realities.’ [17] This is relevant to the topic of miscegenation because it makes a point that prejudice while often noted as being a bad thing can also be quite beneficial for helping to keep alive the uniqueness of all races. The many different races give us a diverse construct of what it means to be human, whereas miscegenation would only make us bland and all the same with no variety in our physical differences in the long run. Seriously, how boring would it be if in the future we all looked a like?

To sum up, I personally think that miscegenation is something that has been forced onto people especially in Western Countries because of liberalism. It basically comes down to morals and values and people need to realise that if ANY race wants their children to at least have some vague resemblance to them then they need to “stick with their own kind”. Heritage and background should be basic requirements taken into account when thinking about having children and for those people who are responsible enough should understand that it is not a decision that should be taken lightly. Especially, as a lot of us who live in Western countries seem to be part of such a hedonistic, shallow and consumerist society. Mass immigration has also played its part in making the act of miscegenation more prevalent than before and it up to both genders to realise that their ethnic/racial background should always be an important factor in their decision. Basically miscegenation is insidiously evil as it promotes the slow but eventual genocide of all races. I will now leave you with a poem by Rudyard Kipling, one of Britain’s finest poets, in relation to how he was against race-mixing (miscegenation).


The stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk -
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
But not the soul behind.

The stranger within my gate,
He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers control -
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the gods of his far off land,
Shall repossess his blood.

This was my father’s belief,
And this is also mine;
Let the corn be all of one sheaf -
And the grapes be all one vine,
Ere our childrens’ teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.

-Rudyard Kipling, Nobel Prize for Literature. (1865 – 1936)[18]

